Month: November 2019


2019 Year in Review and 2020 Preview

2019 was a strong year for Preservation Long Island. Our advocacy services empowered an ever-widening range of preservation partners, and 2020 initiatives are underway.

Blog, Jupiter Hammon, News

The Life and Works of Jupiter Hammon (1711–before 1806)

Preservation Long Island has been introducing visitors to Jupiter Hammon, one of America’s first published Black writers, at Joseph Lloyd Manor since the house opened to the public in the 1980s. Hammon’s life and writings offer an exceptionally nuanced view of slavery and freedom on Long Island before and after the American Revolution.


Preservation Long Island’s Sarah Kautz Receives 2019 NYS Historic Preservation Award for SANS Advocacy Work

Preservation Long Island’s Preservation Director, Sarah Kautz was recognized for her work with the Sag Harbor Hills, Azurest & Ninevah (SANS) Steering Committee’s efforts to preserve the historically African American vacation community. The Committee’s advocacy culminated in the recent listing of the SANS Historic District on the National Register of Historic Places.