In celebration of the launch of The Art of Edward Lange interactive website, view a select number of original artworks in Preservation Long Island’s collection by Edward Lange (1846–1912), who painted homesteads, local businesses, railroad depots, and harbor front in precise detail during the 1870s and 80s.
Month: June 2020
Past Exhibition:
Past Outdoor Exhibit: Reposition Relocation
Part of the international exhibition, Art Off-Screen, Reposition Relocation is a FREE outdoor contemporary art installation on view in Sag Harbor inspired by historic furnishings at the Custom House.
The Jupiter Hammon Project:
Virtual Roundtable Series
The painful effects of racial bias and the long legacy of slavery are now on full display in our country. Honest communication about race and the legacy of slavery in America is necessary to initiate change and foster a more equitable society. Through the Jupiter Hammon Project, we encourage all to enter into dialogue with those around them, to examine their own biases, and work towards true equality in words and in practice.
Jupiter Hammon Project Resources: Historical Documents
A collection of primary sources including original copies of Jupiter Hammon’s poetry, Lloyd family papers, and municipal and governmental records.
Jupiter Hammon Project Resouces: Digital Resources
A collection of interactive websites, virtual exhibitions, and research databases that explore enslavement in the Atlantic World and race in America.
Jupiter Hammon Project Resources: Scholarly Publications
A collection of books, articles, blog posts, and a complete Jupiter Hammon Project bibliography.