
Exhibitions, Past Exhibits

Past Exhibition:
Looking for Lange

In celebration of the launch of The Art of Edward Lange interactive website, view a select number of original artworks in Preservation Long Island’s collection by Edward Lange (1846–1912), who painted homesteads, local businesses, railroad depots, and harbor front in precise detail during the 1870s and 80s.

Exhibitions, Past Exhibits

Past Exhibition:
Collecting Long Island

In 1976, SPLIA curator, Dean Failey, mounted the first exhibition to explore Long Island’s rich decorative arts heritage. More than forty years later, its groundbreaking discoveries continue to inspire and inform. Collecting Long Island follows the continued efforts of collectors to expand our knowledge of Long Island’s complex material past.

Exhibitions, Past Exhibits

Past Exhibition:

#MyLongIslandLandmarks was inspired by an Instagram hashtag. What resulted was a wonderful assemblage of well-known historic “landmarks” as well as Long Island places that, on the surface, may seem ordinary but become meaningful once their stories are known.