Belgrave Motors is not yet an official village landmark! The Village of Thomaston’s Board of Trustees will hold a special public meeting to review the determination of the Landmarks Preservation Commission. The public may attend via Zoom or telephone.
Tag: Stewardship
ACTION ALERT! Belgrave Motors Local Landmark Designation Special Meeting
ACTION ALERT! Belgrave Motors Local Landmark Designation Meeting
February 8, 2022
Belgrave Motors is not yet an official village landmark! The Village of Thomaston’s Landmarks Commission will hold a public meeting to consider landmark designation for the site. The public may attend via Zoom or telephone.
Northport-East Northport Public Library Virtual Lecture:
The Jupiter Hammon Project and Joseph Lloyd Manor
February 15, 2022
6:30pm to 7:30pm via Zoom
Preservation Director, Sarah Kautz, will discuss the life of author Jupiter Hammon who lived as an enslaved person at Lloyd Manor and whose work was the first to be published by an African American born in North America. FREE.
UPDATE! Belgrave Motors Local Landmark Designation
Local voices matter! The Village Landmarks Preservation Commission met on January 4th to consider local landmark designation for the site. But Belgrave Motors is not yet an official village landmark! Stay tuned for landmark hearing date.
Action Alert! Nissequogue River State Park
Public Information Meetings
Get involved in planning the future of Nissequogue River State Park to help protect the legacy of York Hall (one of our 2017 Endangered Historic Places). In-person and virtual meetings announced for October 16th & October 27th.
Preserving the Present: Art as Activism
One year later, Preservation Long Island shares acquisition highlights from its “Preserving the Present: Collecting in the Time of Covid-19” initiative.