Action Alert! Get involved in planning the future of Nissequogue River State Park (the former Kings Park Psychiatric Center) and help protect the legacy of York Hall (one of our 2017 Endangered Historic Places). Two important public meetings have been scheduled:


Who: New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP)
What: Public meeting on the Nissequogue Draft Master Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
When: Tuesday, December 13, 2022, at 6:00 pm
Where: Hosted Online

During the meeting, OPRHP staff will make a presentation about the Plan and DEIS and be available to receive verbal comments after the presentation. Free registration in advance of the online meeting will be required in order to attend. The meeting will be recorded and made publicly available.


Who: Preserve Kings Park Psychiatric Center (Preserve KPPC)
What: Draft Master Plan/DEIS Discussion & OPRHP Meeting Recap
When: December 15, 2022 at 7 pm
Where: Zoom

Preserve KPPC will provide a recap of the public meeting held by the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) on December 13th regarding the recent release of the Draft of the Master Plan/DEIS for the former Kings Park Psychiatric Center/present-day Nissequogue River State Park. The meeting will then be opened for a discussion regarding the terms outlined in the Draft of the Master Plan/DEIS.

The day room at Building 93 of the old Kings Park Psychiatric Center once featured a series of touching autobiographical murals depicting patient life originally painted in the 1960s. The above image shows a detail of an intact mural before the property fell into disrepair. Courtesy of Abandoned Meanings Blog.
Building 93’s once beautiful murals have suffered severe damage from disrepair and vandalism. The above image shows distressing conditions observed ca. 2014. Courtesy of Abandoned Meanings Blog.