Preservation Long Island’s Curator Lauren Brincat and Executive Director Alexandra Wolfe, will be the featured speakers at the Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society’s Artists and Author’s Lecture Series.
Artists and Authors Event
Mothers at Sea Lunch Event
Join Preservation Long Island and the Whaling Museum and Education Center of Cold Spring Harbor for lunch at the Harbor Mist Restaurant and learn about captain’s wives who raised their families at sea.
Wet Paint Festival 2020
Sherwood-Jayne Farm
Historic Sherwood-Jayne Farm is hosting Gallery North’s 2020 Wet Paint Festival.
Capture the Flag at Sherwood-Jayne Farm
Faceoff in an epic game of capture the flag across the historic property of the Sherwood-Jayne House (c. 1730)!
Visit Our Facebook Event Page
Our Facebook event page includes events we have just added to our calendar, cohosted events and listings from our partner organizations.
Historic Preservation for Long Island Communities
On February 5th, Preservation Director, Sarah Kautz, will explain how residents can help protect historic places in their communities, and how historic preservation works-or does not work-in different situations.