Late 18th to 19th centuries
Town of Oyster Bay, Nassau County

Old Cedar Swamp Road encompasses a cluster of historic buildings and an early slab pavement road. It is the last vestige of historic Jericho hamlet north of Route 106. The area is threatened by impending development that includes a zone change from residential to commercial and the construction of an assisted living facility and parking lot. The proposed plan calls for the demolition of 104 Old Cedar Swamp Road & 141 Old Cedar Swamp Road and another building, not currently slated for demolition, may face that threat given its location. Other properties and the general character of the neighborhood would lose context.


β€’ Proposed redevelopment is for 70 Golden Age condos, requiring a zone change. Neither Town or Developer notified the residents of the proposals.
β€’ The plan calls for the demolition of 104 & 141 Old Cedar Swamp Road