This Black History Month, we're taking a look back at five years of the Jupiter Hammon Project and planning for the future. Follow the đź”— link to read our latest blog post! https://preservationlongisland.org/marking-five-ye…
Swipe 👉 to see some of the experiences we have shared with our audiences, communities, and stakeholders, and stay tuned for upcoming Jupiter Hammon Project programs and events!
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![📢 Preservation Long Island staff were interviewed for Newsdays LI Life cover story published this past Sunday about the important role archaeology plays in illuminating histories often left untold.
“Archaeology is more than just excavation,” said archaeologist Andrew Tharler, the education and engagement director for Preservation Long Island in Cold Spring Harbor.
“We’re trying to understand how people were living in the past by looking at the architecture and artifacts they left behind and the places they were living.”
Archaeology has a sibling-type relationship with preservation. [...] Traditionally in preservation the focus has been on the aboveground architecture. But in the last 20 years our definition of historic preservation has become a lot broader. We look at the importance of the history and the cultural significance of a site. - Tara Cubie, Preservation Director
đź“° Click the link here to access the full article: https://preservationlongisland.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/Unearthing-history-across-Long-Island-Newsday.2.21.25.pdf](https://scontent-ord5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/480285835_1196287395836226_824833174620681723_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_p720x720_tt6&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=127cfc&_nc_ohc=ycX374IK2UMQ7kNvgFZEgwG&_nc_oc=Adgxger3RJ48up-RdZyTulaoNOpkX32Z9CXicuRXWOSBmPqc7BioQXd7n2vs_r29-EE&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent-ord5-2.xx&edm=AKIiGfEEAAAA&_nc_gid=AUgKgnFnKsOG-eiE3U0MMUM&oh=00_AYCQ-Pwdxlr_sPMQGqhZ8XXU8IYXQyWid6TWOWOe5uHzww&oe=67CEFB74)

📢 Preservation Long Island staff were interviewed for Newsday's LI Life cover story published this past Sunday about the important role archaeology plays in illuminating histories often left untold.
“Archaeology is more than just excavation,” said archaeologist Andrew Tharler, the education and engagement director for Preservation Long Island in Cold Spring Harbor.
“We’re trying to understand how people were living in the past by looking at the architecture and artifacts they left behind and the places they were living.”
Archaeology has "a sibling-type relationship with preservation. [...] Traditionally in preservation the focus has been on the aboveground architecture. But in the last 20 years our definition of historic preservation has become a lot broader. We look at the importance of the history and the cultural significance of a site." - Tara Cubie, Preservation Director
đź“° Click the link here to access the full article: https://preservationlongisland.org/wp-content/…
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