Rights & Reproductions

Reproduction, public display, or distribution of an image from Preservation Long Islandโ€™s collection from any copy format (digital or print) via any medium requires the permission of the organization. Preservation Long Island may collect a fee for such uses and provides high-resolution digital files for reproduction purposes.

Request Permission to Use & Distribute Images

Permission to Reproduce an Image for Public Distribution

Images from Preservation Long Island’s Digital Collections Gallery are available for reproduction in books, scholarly articles, films, magazine, websites, and other media.ย Images of items from Preservation Long Islandโ€™s collection cannot be reproduced for commercial advertising purposes.

Material under copyright cannot be duplicated without the written permission of the copyright owner. Full responsibility for any infringement of copyright is assumed by the user.

Personal Use

You are welcome to save single, low-resolution copies of images from Preservation Long Island’s Digital Collections Gallery, free of charge, for non-commercial use, including personal research, to illustrate a school paper, to post on a personal blog, or to use in a classroom. Every image must be accompanied by the artist’s name, the title of the work, and the credit line: Collection of Preservation Long Island. If you are posting the image online, please provide a link to the Digital Collections Gallery where you located the image.

Research Policy

Onsite collections access requires an appointment, and scheduling is based on staff availability. We encourage researchers to contact us at least one month prior to when you would like to visit. The research and study of original artifacts and documents is available to qualified researchers who demonstrate a need to access primary sources in Preservation Long Islandโ€™s collection. Please contact [email protected] to inquire about making an appointment.

Duplication Services

Preservation Long Island encourages researchers to take reference photographs of collection materials. Researchers requesting digital scans will be provided with reference quality images, and are entitled to five pages of free scans per inquiry. After the first five, fees will apply. Scanning is subject to the approval of the curator.