
Preservation reports provide specific information and insight into developing preservation issues and important historic sites on Long Island. These reports are available to interested individuals, preservation groups, municipalities, and the press.


Our newsletter Preservation Notes has raised awareness about Long Island’s historic places and the efforts made to preserve them since 1957.


Preservation Long Island’s long tradition of publication has contributed significantly to fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of Long Islandā€™s cultural heritage. Through the development of studies, catalogs, and monographs, the Society provides an opportunity to explore salient themes in regional history through a variety of subjects including architecture, design, and decorative arts.


Our blog Preservation Long Island: Everything Worth Celebrating is inspired by one of Long Islandā€™s first preservation advocates, the late Barbara Van Liew (1911-2005), whose extraordinary work was rooted in a hearty belief that: ā€œLong Island is the Mesopotamia of this country whence springs everything worth celebrating and protecting in American architecture and culture.ā€ From objects to landscapes, archives to fine art, thereā€™s a lot to celebrate on Long Island and weā€™ll share it here with you.