As history unfolds around us, Preservation Long Island seeks to collect objects that tell the diverse stories of Long Islanders living through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tag: Stewardship
Back from Conservation: Edward Lange’s Brown Brothers Huntington Pottery
Edward Lange’s “Huntington Brown Brothers Huntington Pottery” just returned from conservation! Learn about the treatment and history of this important painting of one of Long Island’s oldest and largest potteries.
Rediscovering “Deldune” at Peter Matthiessen’s Home-Studio-Zendo in Sagaponack
An update on the site’s deeper history and noteworthy design.
Assessing and Accessing Preservation Long Island’s Archival Collections
Preservation Long Island has embarked on a project to assess and make accessible collections of photographs, manuscripts, and personal papers. Learn about a project to catalog and digitize the personal papers of our founder, Howard C. Sherwood.
Newly Digitized Images by Port Jefferson Photographer Arthur S. Greene
Last year, Preservation Long Island was fortunate to receive a service grant from the Palmer School of Library and Information Science at Long Island University as part of their “Digitizing Local History Sources” Project funded by the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation. Hundreds of glass plate negatives taken by Port Jefferson photographer, Arthur Greene, are now available for browsing on our digital collections website!
Collection Close-up: A Souvenir from Central Park, Long Island
Preservation Long Island is proud to be the steward of a robust collection of decorative arts and material culture that reveal life on Long Island long ago. Guest blogger and volunteer, Gary Hammond, explores the history behind one intriguing object in our collection.