Congratulations to 2018’s awardees and many thanks to everyone who joined us to celebrate!

Preservation Long Island works with communities throughout our region to protect and celebrate historic places, encouraging excellence in stewardship and advocacy. Our Preservation Awards, presented every other year, recognize individuals, organizations, and projects that demonstrate extraordinary achievement in fields related to historic preservation on Long Island. Congratulations to this year’s honorees!
Receiving the Howard Sherwood Award for life-time achievement:
Mr. Zachary N. Studenroth
For Organizational Excellence:
Higher Ground Inter-Cultural & Heritage Associates, Inc.
For Project Excellence:
Old First Presbyterian Church of Huntington
The Huntington Historical Society
The Historical Society of Greater Port Jefferson
John Jermain Memorial Library
Our 2018 awards ceremony was held at Old First Presbyterian Church in Huntington, NY, on Saturday, May 5, 2018 (2pm–4pm).