We’re hiring! We are seeking a part-time Bookkeeper/Human Resources Administrator to play a crucial role in supporting the financial and administrative functions of our not-for-profit organization. Application deadline: April 15th. Apply today!
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Jupiter Hammon’s Poetry Focus of CBS News Black History Month Feature
The poems of Jupiter Hammon, America’s first published African American writer, who authored his most significant works while enslaved at Joseph Lloyd Manor, are the focus of a CBS News Black History Month feature.
ADVOCACY UPDATE: Coalition Advocates for Enhancements to NYS Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program
Preservation Long Island joins a statewide coalition of advocates asking NYS officials to support an important enhancement to the New York State Historic Preservation Tax Credit program that will advance the development of affordable housing and community development projects in New York State.
Inventorying Preservation Long Island’s Objects Collection
Supported by the IMLS Inspire! Grants for Small Museums program, Preservation Long Island recently embarked on an project to inventory its entire collection of art and artifacts. Collections assistant, Alyson Katz, shares her experience.
Endangered Historic Places List 2023
We invite all Long Islanders to celebrate and support the important sites on our latest Endangered Historic Places list: King’s Park Psychiatric Center, Stepping Stones Lighthouse, Coindre Hall Boathouse, Eliphalet Whitman House, Mill Pond House, Shutt House, and Perkins Electric Generating Plant.
Joseph Lloyd Manor and Jupiter Hammon Project Featured on Treasures of New York Now Streaming on PBS
Joseph Lloyd Manor and the Jupiter Hammon Project are the focus of a new episode of Treasures of New York, a documentary series streaming on WLIW and distributed to PBS stations across the country!